SciPy 2024

What would you like to see in your scientific IDE?
07-11, 13:15–14:10 (US/Pacific), Room 318

Scientific environments and IDEs for Python have grown significantly in complexity in recent years, adding many features found in traditional IDEs such as debuggers, LSP support, plugin management, Git clients, testing integration, and more. This adds functionality that users are asking for, but also makes them more complicated for users without those needs. Is that additional complexity justified? Is it really serving users? That’s what we’d like to find out through this BoF.

Therefore, we’d like to invite the community to share their thoughts about the features they find most important for their research, both existing and to-be-developed, in open source scientific IDEs (such as JupyterLab and Spyder). Equally helpful would be feedback on what features haven’t been so helpful for users, and should be simplified, reworked or perhaps even removed. Finally, this would be an opportunity to ask questions of and interact directly with the IDE maintainers.