Tom Vo
Hi, my name is Tom Vo. I am a software engineer in the LLNL Climate Program and a member of the Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) and Simplifying ESM Analysis Through Standards (SEATS) projects. I contribute to numerous open-source scientific software for climate science, including leading the development of Xarray Climate Data Analysis Tools (xCDAT). I am formerly a member of the Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF) Project where I was the lead full-stack web developer for MetaGrid, ESGF’s next-generation search portal for climate data.
My interests and expertise are in scientific Python package development, full-stack web-development, and DevOps engineering.

xCDAT(Xarray Climate Data Analysis Tools) is an open-source Python package that extends Xarray for climate data analysis on structured grids. This talk will cover a brief history of xCDAT, the value this package presents to the climate science community, and a general overview of key features with technical examples. xCDAT’s scope focuses on routine climate research analysis operations such as loading, averaging, and regridding data on structured grids (e.g., rectilinear, curvilinear). Some key features include temporal averaging, geospatial averaging, horizontal regridding, vertical regridding, and robust interpretation and handling of metadata and bounds for coordinates.