Pierre Raybaut
Pierre Raybaut is a long-term advocate of Python in a scientific context, renowned as the creator of Spyder, the Scientific Python IDE, and other pivotal projects like Python(x,y) and WinPython. These tools have been instrumental in making Python a leading language for scientific computing.
Pierre's academic journey began with an engineer's degree from the Institut d’Optique Graduate School, specializing in laser physics. He further advanced his expertise by earning a PhD in optics and photonics from Université Paris-Saclay, where he developed software for simulating regenerative amplification in ultra-short pulse lasers.
Professionally, Pierre has held diverse and impactful roles. He served as a research engineer at THALES Avionics, a principal software developer at CEA (the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission), and managed the Laser MégaJoule timing and fiducial system project. Eventually, he became the Head of a Research Laboratory at CEA before transitioning to Codra, an industrial software company, where he currently holds the position of Chief Technology Officer (CTO).
Beyond his work on Spyder, Pierre is deeply involved in the open-source software community. He has created tools such as guidata, PlotPy, PlotPyStack and DataLab, and has contributed to numerous other projects.

This talk provides an overview of the evolution of scientific software in Python, with a focus on the speaker's journey from creating Spyder, the Scientific Python IDE, to developing DataLab, a platform for signal and image processing. The speaker will share insights into the challenges and opportunities encountered in developing and maintaining these projects, and discuss how they have contributed to the scientific Python ecosystem. The talk will also explore the evolving needs of both the scientific and industrial communities during this period, and why desktop applications remain relevant in the era of web-based tools.
Talk is now available on YouTube
This talk introduces DataLab, a unique open-source platform for signal and image processing, seamlessly integrating scientific and industrial applications. This talk will explore DataLab's capabilities, through practical examples in the scientific community (e.g. processing spectra, measuring laser beam sizes, blob detection, ...) as well as in the industrial world (e.g. supervisory applications). The discussion will include practical insights into how DataLab's extensibility and automation features aid in these tasks, alongside a case study demonstrating its role in linking scientific research with industrial applications.