SciPy 2024

Luis Lopez

Luis A. López is a Research Software Engineer at the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) in Boulder, Colorado. He is a passionate advocate of open science, open-source and a collaborator in projects like NASA Openscapes and ITS_LIVE He’s always happy to help scientists find ways to make their workflows simpler and more efficient.

The speaker's profile picture


Xarray: Friendly, Interactive, and Scalable Scientific Data Analysis
Negin Sobhani, Max Jones, Jessica Scheick, Don Setiawan, Tom Nicholas, Luis Lopez, Scott Henderson, Wietze Suijker

Xarray provides data structures for multi-dimensional labeled arrays and a toolkit for scalable data analysis on large, complex datasets with many related variables. Xarray combines the convenience of labeled data structures inspired by Pandas with NumPy-like multi-dimensional arrays to provide an intuitive and scalable interface for scientific analysis. This hands-on tutorial focuses on intermediate and advanced workflows using complex real-world data. We encourage participants in this workshop to bring your own dataset as we will dedicate ample time to apply tutorial concepts to datasets of interest!

Ballroom B/C
Cloud Optimized HDF5: or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Format
Luis Lopez, Wei Ji Leong, Tyler Sutterley, Jessica Scheick, Joseph H. Kennedy

HDF5 can be as performant as modern cloud-native formats. We will demonstrate this using two high-profile NASA missions.

Earth, Ocean, Geo, and Atmospheric Science
Little remote sensing stories
Luis Lopez

Taking a fun approach to data visualization, we present a little comic strip crafted with little remote sensing stories using data from NASA and the Python plotting ecosystem.

Earth, Ocean, Geo, and Atmospheric Science