James A. Bednar
Dr. James A. Bednar is the Director of Professional Services at Anaconda, Inc. Over a 10-year career of lecturing at the University of Edinburgh (UK), he received multiple nominations for teaching awards and published more than 50 scientific papers. He founded the HoloViz project and manages the Datashader, Param, and Colorcet packages within it.

This tutorial will show you how to use the Pandas, Dask, or Xarray APIs you already know to interactively explore and visualize your data even if it is big, streaming, or multidimensional. Then just replace your expression arguments with widgets to get an instant web app that you can share as HTML+WASM or backed by a live Python server. These tools let you focus on your data rather than the API, and let you build linked, interactive drill-down exploratory apps without having to run a web-technology software development project, which you can then share without becoming an operations specialist.