Jon Mease
Jon is a visualization software engineer with past experience leading and contributing to a variety of open source Python visualization projects including, HoloViews, Datashader. Jon is an active maintainer of Vega-Altair and the creator of VegaFusion (which scales Vega-Altair to large datasets) and VlConvert (which provides static image export of Vega-Altair visualizations). Jon has shared his experience through a variety of talks at past SciPy and PyData conferences. A full list of talks is available at

This tutorial is an introduction to data visualization using the popular Vega-Altair Python library. Vega-Altair provides a simple, friendly, and consistent API that supports rapid data exploration. Vega-Altair’s flexible support for interactivity enables the creation and sharing of beautiful interactive visualizations.
Participants will learn the foundational concepts that Vega-Altair is built on and will gain hands-on experience exploring a variety of datasets. Of particular interest to the scientific community, this tutorial will cover recent advancements in the Vega-Altair ecosystem that make it possible to scale visualizations to large datasets, and to easily export visualizations to static image formats for publication.