Jacob Smith
Jacob Smith is a data scientist in the nuclear nonproliferation division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. He completed his B.S. in computer science at Tennessee Technological University in 2018. His research interests include visual analytics, automated analysis, and machine learning.

Interactive visualizations are invaluable tools for building intuition and supporting rapid exploration of datasets and models. Numerous libraries in Python support interactivity, and workflows that combine Jupyter and IPyWidgets in particular make it straightforward to build data analysis tools on the fly. However, the field is missing the ability to arbitrarily overlay widgets and plots on top of others to support more flexible details-on-demand techniques. This work discusses some limitations of the base IPyWidgets library, explains the benefits of IPyVuetify and how it addresses these limitations, and finally presents a new open-source solution that builds on IPyVuetify to provide easily integrated widget overlays in Jupyter.