SciPy 2024

Matthew Feickert

Matthew is a postdoctoral researcher in experimental high energy physics and data science at the Data Science Institute at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (a “data physicist”). He works as a member of the ATLAS collaboration on searches for physics beyond the standard model with experiments performed at CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Geneva, Switzerland. He also serves on the executive board of the Institute for Research and Innovation in Software for High Energy Physics (IRIS-HEP) where he is a researcher and the Analysis Systems Area lead. Matthew has been involved with the SciPy conference since 2019 and serves as a member of the SciPy 2024 Organizing Committee.

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How the Scientific Python ecosystem helps answering fundamental questions of the Universe
Vangelis Kourlitis, Matthew Feickert, Gordon Watts, Giordon Stark

The ATLAS experiment at CERN explores vast amounts of physics data to answer the most fundamental questions of the Universe. The prevalence of Python in scientific computing motivated ATLAS to adopt it for its data analysis workflows while enhancing users' experience. This talk will describe to a broad audience how a large scientific collaboration leverages the power of the Scientific Python ecosystem to tackle domain-specific challenges and advance our understanding of the Cosmos. Through a simplified example of the renowned Higgs boson discovery, attendees will gain insights into the utilization of Python libraries to discriminate a signal in immersive noise, through tasks such as data cleaning, feature engineering, statistical interpretation and visualization at scale.

GitHub repository for the talk:

Room 317