Christine Smit
I'm a principal software engineer at the NASA Goddard Earth Sciences (GES) Data and Information Services Center (DISC). Our prime directive is to archive earth science data and make that data available to the public for free. Since joining the GES DISC, I've mainly focused on the services end of public data access, working on tools that allow users to do some initial data exploration and visualization without having to download, understand, and open raw data files. I'm happy to wax poetic about metadata, interoperability, and well designed colorbars.

At the NASA Goddard Earth Sciences (GES) Data and Information Services Center (DISC), we're doing the heavy lifting to make large geospatial datasets easily accessible from the cloud. No more downloading data. No more worrying about quirky metadata or missing dimensions. No more concatenating hundreds or thousands of files together. Just fire up your Jupyter notebook somewhere in Amazon Web Services (AWS)'s US-West-2 region, get some free temporary AWS credentials, open our Zarr stores, and start doing your science.