Ondřej Čertík
Principal Software Engineer at Microsoft, previously GSI Technology, former scientist at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Ondřej is the original author of SymPy, SymEngine, LFortran and LPython.
Website: https://ondrejcertik.com/
We are developing a modern open-source Python compiler called LPython
(https://lpython.org/) that can execute user's code interactively in Jupyter to
allow exploratory work (much like CPython, MATLAB or Julia) as well as compile
to binaries with the goal to run user's code on modern architectures such as
multi-core CPU, GPU, as well as unfamiliar, new architectures like GSI's APU,
which features programmable compute-in memory. We aim to provide the best
possible performance for numerical array oriented code. The compiler itself is written in C++ for robustness
and speed.