Brigitta Sipőcz

Community Feedback on the NumPy 2.0 Release
Brigitta Sipőcz, Nathan Goldbaum
With the recent release of NumPy 2.0, the NumPy maintainers are looking for feedback on the release. Are there issues that are blocking your ability to migrate to using NumPy 2.0? Are there things you wish we had fixed or changed but didn't make it into the 2.0 release? Any changes you really don't like? Please come and let us know. Your feedback will directly influence how NumPy 2.1 looks and how we manage major releases in the future.
Birds-of-a-Feather (BoF)
Room 316
SciPy 2024 Sprint Prep BoF
Brigitta Sipőcz, James Lamb
Come join the BoF to do a practice run on contributing to a GitHub project. We will walk through how to open a Pull Request for a bugfix, using the workflow most libraries participating at the weekend sprints use (hosted by the sprint chairs)
Birds-of-a-Feather (BoF)
Room 316