SciPy 2024

Elena Felder

Elena Felder works on ecosystem integrations at MotherDuck, a DuckDB-powered serverless data warehouse. Diving into data, and helping rows, columns and numbers tell interesting stories has always been a personal hobby! After working mostly in Java for many years, Elena keeps being awed at how dozens of lines of Java code can often be solved by a Python one liner. Prior to embarking on a duck-shaped startup adventure, she led Cloud Java frameworks integrations at Google.

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All the SQL a Pythonista needs to know: an introduction to SQL and DataFrames with DuckDB
Guen Prawiroatmodjo, Alex Monahan, Mehdi Ouazza, Elena Felder

Structured Query Language (or SQL for short) is a programming language to manage data in a database system and an essential part of any data engineer’s tool kit. In this tutorial, you will learn how to use SQL to create databases, tables, insert data into them and extract, filter, join data or make calculations using queries. We will use DuckDB, a new open source embedded in-process database system that combines cutting edge database research with dataframe-inspired ease of use. DuckDB is only a pip install away (with zero dependencies), and runs right on your laptop. You will learn how to use DuckDB with your existing Python tools like Pandas, Polars, and Ibis to simplify and speed up your pipelines. Lastly, you will learn how to use SQL to create fast, interactive data visualizations, and how to teach your data how to fly and share it via the Cloud.

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