SciPy 2023

Andrei Paleyes

Andrei is currently pursuing PhD at the University of Cambridge. His research interests are somewhere between machine learning and software systems, leaning towards the latter. He also has keen interest in Bayesian optimization and is actively participating in several open source projects. Before jumping into the world of academia he has spent more than a decade as a software engineer, developing everything from small webapps to data center network software.

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Emukit: Python toolkit for uncertainty quantification
Andrei Paleyes

Emukit is an open-source package for uncertainty quantification in Python. It provides various Bayesian methods, such as optimization, experimental design and quadrature, in a flexible unified way that leverages their commonalities. In the talk we will explain how and why Emukit was built, what are its strengths and weaknesses, how it is used today and in what scenarios one might find it useful.

Machine Learning, Data Science, and Ethics in AI
Zlotnik Ballroom