Juanita Gomez
Juanita Gomez is passionate programmer, mathematician and open source advocate; former developer of Spyder IDE at Quansight. She has a BS in Pure Mathematics from Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Colombia and is currently pursuing a Ph.D position in Computer Science at UC Santa Cruz. She is a community manager for the Scientific Python project, a community effort to better coordinate and support scientific Python libraries.

The Scientific Python project aims to better coordinate the ecosystem and grow the community. Come hear about our recent progress and our plans for the coming year!
Scientific Python Ecosystem Coordination (SPEC) documents (https://scientific-python.org/specs/) provide operational guidelines for projects in the scientific Python ecosystem. SPECs are similar to project-specific guidelines (like PEPs, NEPs, SLEPs, and SKIPs), but are opt-in, have a broader scope, and target all (or most) projects in the scientific Python ecosystem. Come hear more about what we are working on and planning. Better yet, come share your ideas for improving the ecosystem!
"Notebooks can be a powerful tool for the purposes for which they were designed—learning, experimenting, and sharing results. However, users face many challenges when trying to achieve true reproducbility with notebooks alone, including lack of dependency management, pitfalls of non-linear interactive execution, and requiring bespoke tooling to open and execute. Furthermore, there is a growing need to go beyond reprodubility of individual results—siloed into an opaque format possessing limited interoperability with the rest of the Python ecosystem—toward reusuability of research methods, that can be shared, built upon, and deployed by users across the world.
Therefore, we invite the community to share their tools and workflows to go beyond reproducibility and towards true reusable science, built on the shoulders of giants. Furthermore, we hope to explore how we can encourage users and the community to move beyond the notebooks monoculture and toward a holistic, open, modular and interoperable approaches to conducting research and developing scientific code."