Matt Davis
Matt has been using Python to work with data in science and at startups since 2008, after getting degrees in Astronomy and Aerospace Engineering. He maintains some moderately popular open-source Python libraries, including SnakeViz and Palettable. Today Matt is the lead software engineer at Populus, a startup helping city governments manage various aspects of transportation.

Enjoy a gentle introduction to Python for folks who are completely new to it and may not have much experience programming. Learn how to write Python while practicing loops, if’s, functions, and usage of Python’s built-in features in a series of fun, interactive exercises inside Jupyter Notebooks. By the end you’ll be ready to write your own basic Python -- but most importantly, I want you to learn the form and vocabulary of Python so that you can understand Python documentation, interpret code written by others, and get the most out of other SciPy tutorials.
Come join the BoF to do a practice run on contributing to a GitHub project. We will walk through how to open a Pull Request for a bugfix, using the workflow most libraries participating at the weekend sprints use (hosted by the sprint chairs)