Gil Forsyth
Gil Forsyth is a software engineer at Voltron Data. He followed the common career path of Japanese language specialist -> administrative assistant -> mechanical engineer -> computational fluid dynamicist -> data scientist -> software engineer -> machine learning engineer -> software engineer. Gil contributes to several projects in the PyData ecosystem and is a core maintainer of xonsh and Ibis. He served as the program chair for the Scientific Computing with Python (SciPy) conference from 2017 to 2020.

[BoF Room 103] SciPy 2023 Sprint Prep BoF
Brigitta Sipőcz, Gil Forsyth, Madicken, Matt Davis
Come join the BoF to do a practice run on contributing to a GitHub project. We will walk through how to open a Pull Request for a bugfix, using the workflow most libraries participating at the weekend sprints use (hosted by the sprint chairs)
Birds of a Feather (BoF)
Classroom 103