Brigitta Sipőcz
I am an astronomer turned Research Software Engineer. I work at Caltech/IPAC to build and improve tools, e.g. Python libraries and Science Platforms to provide ways to access data in the NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive. Prior to joining IPAC, I was DiRAC Fellow in the data engineering team at the Institute for Data Intensive Research in Astrophysics and Cosmology in Seattle. I am a developer and maintainer of several open-source astronomy libraries and their infrastructure (e.g. astroML, astroquery, astropy) and I very much enjoy contributing to upstream projects as well in the wider Scientific Python ecosystem. I have a keen interest in finding ways to make tools more sustainable. I am a fellow of the Software Sustainability Institute.

Come join the BoF to do a practice run on contributing to a GitHub project. We will walk through how to open a Pull Request for a bugfix, using the workflow most libraries participating at the weekend sprints use (hosted by the sprint chairs)
Everyone will meet in Room 204 and organize before breaking out for the remainder of the day.
Every year, our community dedicates the last 2 days of the SciPy conference to Sprints, where we work together on open-source projects to push our ecosystem forward.
Sprints are an informal part of the conference, where all are welcome to exchange ideas, hack on exciting projects, and create lasting connections. All programming levels are welcome at the sprints.
Join us for the preparatory Sprint BoF as well on Friday at 4:40 in Room 103 -
Interested in leading a sprint at SciPy 2022? Sign up at
Everyone will meet in Room 204 and organize before breaking out for the remainder of the day.
Every year, our community dedicates the last 2 days of the SciPy conference to Sprints, where we work together on open-source projects to push our ecosystem forward.
Sprints are an informal part of the conference, where all are welcome to exchange ideas, hack on exciting projects, and create lasting connections. All programming levels are welcome at the sprints.
Join us for the preparatory Sprint BoF as well on Friday at 4:40 in Room 103 -
Interested in leading a sprint at SciPy 2022? Sign up at
community-driven collaborations of data providers and a sneak peak into the the cloud-based future of astronomical data