Jim Pivarski
Jim was trained as a particle physicist with a Ph.D. from Cornell and helped commission the CMS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Then he worked as a data scientist for Open Data Group for 5 years before joining Princeton as a computational physicist in 2016. Now he develops software tools for data analysis in Python, leading the development of Awkward Array, and helps users with a wide range of data analysis problems.

Despite its reputation for being slow, Python is the leading language of scientific computing, which generally needs large-scale (fast) computations. This is because most scientific problems can be split into "metadata bookkeeping" and "number crunching," where the latter is performed by array-oriented (vectorized) calls into precompiled routines.
This tutorial is an introduction to array-oriented programming. We'll focus on techniques that are equally useful in NumPy, Pandas, xarray, CuPy, Awkward Array, and other libraries, and we'll work in groups on three class projects: Conway's Game of Life, evaluating decision trees, and computations on ragged arrays.